Kayla Case

UX - Novi Finance


Novi Finance - taking the friction out of making the right financial decisions to maximize financial well-being 



At Doberman, we partnered with Novi Finance to help create a revolutionary banking product that helps millennials get out of debt faster & make smarter financial choices.

The ask: Define the beta experience strategy & complete the initial design concept for the beta version of the app.

My role: Product design intern contributing to concept development based on pain points identified in user research, moderated 6 user interviews for concept validation, helped synthesize user testing insights for client share out & participated in 2 Design Sprints translating concepts into both low-fidelity & higher-fidelity InVision prototypes.

The team: 3 product designers, design director, business developer & project manager. I worked Phase 1 of this project, 6 weeks.


3 work in progress prototypes, tested with users for concept & feature validation


Immersion, inspiration & discovery of Novi’s origin story & the problem space

  • Week-long client kick off, downloading insights from Novi’s prior user research & target audience hypotheses as well a deep dive into their current tool.

  • Ideation of product value & differentiation from competitors.

  • We conducted 6 user interviews to further refine the client’s target audience hypothesis & help build our understanding of the wide spectrum user needs. I moderated 2 interviews.

  • Synthesizing interview insights to identify potential opportunities to explore in our upcoming experience concepting sessions.


Concepting potential value propositions for prototyping & user testing

  • Identify user groups/segments based on pain points discovered during our user interviews as well as Novi’s prior user research to aid our ideations of potential value propositions.

  • Create How Might We statements based on user research insights to drive our initial concept explorations.

  • Cluster ideas to identify themes for potential value propositions, defining the core experience principles & functionality hypothesis.

  • Prototype 4 distinct concepts as landing pages during Design Sprint 1, I prototyped one of these concepts targeting financial goal creation & step by step recommendations.

  • We conducted 6 user interviews to test our value props & feature sets. Landing page prototypes were used as conversation starters to provoke a response in testing. I moderated 2 of these interviews.


Portion of synthesis presentation, capturing themes in user reactions of the 4 landing pages

Interview Methodology:
We interviewed 6 people of varying financial literacy at varying stages of their financial journey. The interviews were conducted using open question style interviews to dive deeper into user needs & test the value propositions in 4 landing page prototypes.


Rapid paper prototypes to quickly refine our concepts based on user testing insights

  • Based on user pain points & opportunities identified from the Design Sprint 1 synthesis, HMW statements helped us further explore potential features & Novi’s overall product offering during several sketching sessions.

  • A few areas of focus for our sketching: financial literacy, financial planning & recommendations, and financial health & awareness.

  • Presenting low-fidelity sketch paper prototypes to the client, 3 out of 5 concepts were selected as the focus for Design Sprint 2 & the next round of user testing.


Higher-fidelity prototypes based on user interview insights & paper prototyping

  • The team created 3 click-through InVision prototypes to illustrate our research hypotheses & varying value propositions. My design responsibility was executing 1 of the prototypes, the concept focused on increasing user’s financial awareness via 50/30/20 budgeting principal.

  • To further understand our target audiences financial needs & validate our hypotheses, 7 user interviews were conducted using open question style interview format. I moderated 4 interviews, getting a background into the user’s financial background & pain points as well as testing tasks within each of the 3 InVision prototypes.


Budgeting based concept I executed during Design Sprint 2


Synthesizing insights from testing as key takeways moving forward

  • Analyzing responses from our 7 user interviews, themes in feedback were identified for the 3 concepts individually as well as the overall key takeways from user testing as a whole.

  • A few key takeaways identified in testing included: user’s desire for balance in automation & personalization in financial planning, the user’s need to understand why the algorithm is recommending certain financial decisions, how prominent long-term planning vs. short-term actions & clarity in a user’s overall financial health.

  • Synthesizing insights from testing was presented to Novi, along with recommended research questions & areas of focus for Design Sprint 3.


Final thoughts & personal learnings

Due to resourcing, after 6 weeks I jumped off Phase 1 of the Novi project to support the TodayTix project.

Some of my biggest learnings during my time on the project concern user interviews & testing synthesis. A few of these learnings include:

  • Testing synthesis starts during interviews, incorporating as many as possible from the rest of the design team, or client side, to listen in via recording & participate in a live synthesis document to harness multiple perspectives of the interview immediately.

  • Live synthesis & notes from the interview make analyzing interviews during post interview synthesis more efficient.

  • Synthesising as a team maximizes learnings & insights, a democratic means of empathising with the user that the entire team takes with them into more thoughtful ideation & prototyping sessions.